Friday 21 October 2016


Feeling so much better than I was over the last few weeks and am finding more time to write again.

Still working on the stand alone story -- I'm about two thirds through at the moment. Originally I had ideas to make it a series and have other characters come in but as I just wanted to do something quick and simple, I've decided to make it a Trailer Park Tale. When I wrote the first one, I thought about having a series of connected stories that featured different characters and now I think I'll just use the setting for one offs.

Hope to get it finished soon and then get back to Family Business.

Have these to celebrate:

Amy Reid


Gianna Michaels

Lisa Ann

Summer Cummings

Wendy Whoppers


  1. Liked the setup story lines in Trailer Park and was disappointed when feedback caused you not to continue. Glad to see you come back to it. Any themes of girl helping to corrupt another girl to benefit a guy (touched on in Prof. Nook) would be very welcome.

  2. Thanks; nothing like the plot you mention in the current story but I'll see what I can do.


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