Friday 31 July 2015

Travelling to work...

The company I work for flies me to either their other sites or to other companies for research trips -- it sounds a lot grander than it is -- and yesterday, mid flight, I took the opportunity to grab my iPad and do some writing.

I'm giving "Day By Day" a little breather and finishing the next and last chapter of "Professor Nook of Coxville County" because I've been wanting to get some hard and heavy sex scenes written for some time and "Day By Day" is a bit more teasing.

Should be finished in a couple of days as it's straightforward porn then I'll finish off "Day By Day"

Meantime, this is playing while I finish Professor Nook:

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Another Fave

Tiffany Towers -- probably my favourite of the 90's girls who did hardcore:

Monday 27 July 2015

Another Update

Still writing "Day By Day" - the mom/son (and eventually aunt!) story that keeps growing and growing!

I might take a detour back to Kara Lofts just to get a quick story out there but we'll see.

Meantime, here's a still from the very first clip I saw Harley Raines in:

She instantly became one of my favourites even though -- at the time -- I had no idea of her name.

Much under rated if you ask me.

Sunday 19 July 2015

Still ongoing

That new story -- "Day by Day" -- is still underway and is turning into the longest single story I've done.

Sure, I could break it up into chapters but I think it's going to work better as a single piece that slowly builds.

Yeah, slowly builds -- there's a fair bit of teasing in this one so don't expect the mom and son (or the aunt!) to dive into bed with each other within the first page or so. It's up to 10,000 words and they haven't actually had sex yet! Sure, they've fooled around, but nothing full on yet.

Curent inspiration:

Monday 13 July 2015

Still writing

Still working on the mom/son (and also aunt!) story which is probably going to be called "Day by Day"

But with this sort of thing on my PC, I'm also keen to get back to Professor Nook:

Monday 6 July 2015


There I was, halfway through the new Kara Lofts story when I thought I'll just jot some ideas down for the new mom/son story I've been thinking about and the next thing I know, I'm almost 6,000 words into it.

I normally break my stories into chapters but for this one, I think I'm going to leave it as a single piece. This means it might take a little longer to finish it, but I hope it'll be really hot once it's done.

And inspiration for one scene is this picture:

I'm really looking forward to writing that one over the next day or so!