Wednesday 8 June 2016

Grammar -- how important is it to you as readers?

If you have called in here over the last week or two you'll have noticed a poll at the top of the page asking how important grammar in my stories is to you as readers. That may have seemed a little random but it comes from receiving two anonymous emails which may have been well meaning but I found quite condescending.

I'm glad, then, that you guys and girls take my approach -- I'm not a professional writer but I hope I can string a sentence or two together. If I make a grammatical mistake, I hope it's not so bad that the story is ruined for you and it looks like the poll results bear that out:

94% of the votes went to "As long as I can follow the story, I can forgive a few errors."

So to the guy who emailed me twice about the difference between "Dan and me" and "Dan and I" I say "Learn to live with the occasional error and enjoy the stories for what they are."

Thanks to everyone who voted.

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