Monday 4 September 2017

Just submitted a story

Finally got some writing done and have just submitted the next chapter of Family Business.

Life is crazy fucking busy with me -- the French job should have been a five/six month thing and then back to normal but it's continuin to involve a lot of travelling so I don't really have much time for anything else these days.

That means the stories are going to be slow to arrive. I want to do two more chapters of Family Business to finish it, then get Kara Lofts done or at least at a point where I'm happy to leave it and then we'll have to see how things go.

Have one of my favourite MILFs to celebrate:

Harley Raines


  1. Great to hear that you got another chapter of family business done! I love that story. Any ideas when it'll actually show up on Literotica?

  2. Usually 3 or 4 days after it's submitted so any day now.


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