Sunday 18 June 2017

Did you miss me?

Back in the country after what seems like six years in France due to work -- see my earlier posts if you don't know what I'm talking about.

There's going to be a small bit of catching up so won't be back regularly yet but am getting back into the swing of things slowly -- even did some more work on Family Business.

Stay tuned for more news.

Tiffany Towers


  1. All Hail the returning auther!

    1. Thanks -- like I say it'll take time to get back up to speed but I'm writing again.

  2. Please! Hurry! No just kidding! Welcome back, you were missed! Hope all that down time has you backed up and there is an explosion of all sorts of nasty on your keyboard! Can't wait to see some new Sin!

    1. LOL! That's a nasty way of putting it but yeah, got plenty of frustration to vent!

      Working on Family Business, Kara Lofts and a one shot Trailer Park Tale that might be my nastinest story so far.

      Won't be ready for a couple of weeks, but I'm working on them.

  3. All right! Your return is the best news of the week so far. Welcome back.

  4. Thanks -- again, might take some time before I publish something but I'm writing again.

  5. Welcome back, Sir!
    Looking forward to the next story!

    1. Thanks -- think the first story I publish will be the next Kara Lofts chapter, with Family Business close behind.

  6. Glad to see you back, cant wait to see what you have for us in the future now that you are back... been missing one of the greatest writers on Literotica

    1. Thanks -- nice to be appreciated! Will be posting story news soon.

  7. Hey there. I'm a little late to the party, but I wanted to add my voice to those welcoming you back :)

  8. Welcome back, just ready for some more stories :)


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